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No matter what service Hypnotic Training Solutions provides, their highly personalized approach means that the experience will be completely tailored to your needs. Read below to learn more and book an appointment.

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phobias and fear

Not all fear is bad but there are fears and phobias that can hold us back and they live inside our unconscious mind. Hypnosis goes to the root of the problem, helping you overcome those things that are holding you back



Burnout can affect your work and home life taking the fun and happiness out of whatever you are doing. Don't leave it to fester and put the spark back into your life with our new program creating positive changes



Anxiety taking over your life?

want to make a change?

Use the power of your unconscious mind to take control back. You’ll enter a trance-like state and be able to directly communicate with your unconscious mind and make the changes you need to leave anxiety behind and get the life you want 

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Through the power of your unconscious mind, you’ll enter a receptive state as you begin to focus on what you need to do. You’ll remain fully in control throughout the process of uncovering what’s holding you back and more importantly how to move forward

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Pain management

Hypnosis is proven to help with pain management.  The hypnotic state makes it much easier to deal with all types of pain and lets you get on with life. 

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sleep hypnosis

Insomnia has become an epidemic. In fact, it's estimated that a third of us will struggle with it at some time in our lives.

Some of the most common causes are stress, anxiety and depression. Hypnosis can help you sleep and more importantly allow you to dream

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the hypnotic smile

Turn that frown upside down with conversational hypnosis. You’ll remain fully in control throughout the process of uncovering what’s holding you back from being happy.


The hypnotic gift

Experience trance and the wonderful feeling of hypnosis and discover just how amazing and powerful your unconscious mind is and find out something special about yourself 


Break those bad habits

Use the subconscious to shift the mental blocks stopping you from being able to break those bad habits. The hypnotic state makes it much easier to stop once and for all and create good habits going forward

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stress management

Learn how to overcome the things that cause you stress and stop it overtaking your life, whether in your work or personal life, hypnosis has the power to help you change for the better


Inner peace

Inner peace doesn't mean unleashing your inner hippy, unless you really want too.

It does mean opening your mind and letting go of all the baggage you carry round by going deeper inside so you can learn and understand yourself through hypnosis.


Negative thoughts

Delve into your subconscious mind to get rid of those negative thoughts and replace them with positivity. The hypnotic state makes it much easier to explore painful and negative thoughts and start working to overcome them.


anger management

Anger is something we all feel from time to time but if you're having problems keeping control, hypnosis can help. You’ll remain fully in control throughout the process of uncovering what’s causing the behavior.


Career and work

Every job comes with pressure, the pressure to perform, targets and goals. You also have to deal with bosses and co-workers as well as clients. Hypnosis can help you with motivation, confidence and productivity.

Treatments: Services & Goals
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